Relay for Life
Rehab Services

(229) 386-5200  Phone
(229) 386-1412  Fax

1488 Old Ocilla Road
Tifton, GA 31794

Fundraiser for Relay for Life  of Tift County

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Week 10: 03/15-03/21/2017

Individual female = Shauna W, 17.7%, $60
Individual male = Brady T, 22.0%, $60 

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 620 For the Health of It - $980
2. 525 Waist Management - $400
3. 412 Extreme Six Pack - $145
4. 351 Downsizing
5. 314 Tift's Ton
6. 304 8 Too Much
(Gut Busters)
7. 253 Fork in the Road
8. 253 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
9. 204 Thin It To Win It
(Cellulight Assassins)
10. 193 Fit Just Got Real
11. 168 Mission Possible
(Lipid Lovers)
12. 152 Team Body Blast
(Chunky Monkeys)
13. 145 Hips Ahoy
(Suck It Up, Buttercup)
14. 129 Lose Some, Win $ome
(Make Bodies Great Again)
(Fifty Less = Flabuless)

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Week 9: 03/08-03/14/2017

Largest percent lost by a female to date = 16.67% 
Largest percent lost by a male to date = 18.70% 

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 530 For the Health of It
2. 444 Waist Management
3. 367 Extreme Six Pack
4. 308 Downsizing
5. 294 Tift's Ton
6. 277 Gut Busters
7. 269 8 Too Much
8. 242 Fork in the Road
9. 236 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
10. 186 Thin It To Win It
11. 182 Cellulight Assassins
12. 158 Lipid Lovers
13. 155 Mission Possible
(Chunky Monkeys)
15. 147 Team Body Blast
16. 145 Hips Ahoy
17. 145 Fit Just Got Real
(Suck It Up, Buttercup)
17. 123 Lose Some, Win $ome
(Make Bodies Great Again)
(Fifty Less = Flabuless)

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Week 8: 03/01-03/07/2017
Prize amounts: 
  $980 1s place team
  $400 2nd place team
  $145 3rd pace team
  $60 individual female
  $60 individual male
Relay donation: $1,645

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 493 For the Health of It
2. 412 Waist Management
3. 330 Extreme Six Pack
4. 290 Downsizing
5. 276 Tift's Ton
6. 268 8 Too Much
7. 258 Gut Busters
8. 238 Fork in the Road
9. 227 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
10. 173 Thin It To Win It
11. 169 Celluligt Assassin
12. 158 Lipid Lovers
13. 158 Mission Possible
(Chunky Monkeys)
14. 147 Hips Ahoy
15. 143 Team Body Blast
16. 140 Fit Just Got Real
(Suck It Up, Buttercup)
17. 116 Lose Some, Win $ome
(Make Bodies Great Again)
(Fifty Less = Flabuless)

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Week 7: 02/22-02/28/2017

Average lost by females to date = 4.1% or 8 lbs
Average lost by males to date = 8.0% or 20 lbs

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 448 For the Health of It
2. 372 Waist Management
3. 311 Extreme Six Pack
4. 264 Downsizing
5. 246 Tift's Ton
6. 233 8 Too Much
7. 228 Gut Busters
8. 224 Fork in the Road
9. 219 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
10. 160 Lipid Lovers
11. 157 Cellulight Assassins
(Chunky Monkeys)
12. 145 Mission Possible
13. 135 Team Body Blast
14. 128 Thin It to Win It
15. 124 Fit Just Got Real
16. 119 Hips Ahoy
(Suck It Up, Buttercup)
(Make Bodies Great Again)
17. 95 Lose Some, Win $ome
18. 86 Fifty Less = Flabuless

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Week 6: 02/15-02/21/2017

Most pounds lost by a female to date = 20.5 lbs 
Most pounds lost by a male to date = 34 lbs

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 401 For the Health of It
2. 319 Waist Management
3. 288 Extreme Six Pack
4. 235 Downsizing
5. 219 Gut Busters
6. 213 8 Too Much
7. 212 Tift's Ton
8. 203 Fork in the Road
9. 201 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
10. 148 Chunky Monkeys
11. 145 Cellulight Assassins
12. 143 Mission Possible
13. 139 Lipid Lovers
14. 125 Thin It to Win It
15. 124 Team Body Blast
16. 115 Fit Just Got Real
17. 111 Suck It Up, Buttercup
18. 107 Make Bodies Great Again
19. 95 Fifty Less = Flabuless
20. 89 Lose Some, Win $ome
21. 86 Hips Ahoy

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Week 5: 02/08-02/14/2017

Most pounds lost by a female to date = 20.5 lbs 
Most pounds lost by a male to date = 34 lbs

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 346 For the Health of It
2. 283 Waist Management
3. 248 Extreme Six Pack
4. 203 Downsizing
5. 191 Tift's Ton
6. 190 8 Too Much
7. 179 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
8. 170 Gut Busters
9. 160 Fork in the Road
10. 150 Cellulight Assassins
11. 148 Chunky Monkeys
12. 134 Mission Possible
13. 128 Lipid Lovers
14. 121 Thin It to Win It
15. 106 Make Bodies Great Again
16. 106 Team Body Blast
17. 98 Suck It Up, Buttercup
18. 95 Fifty Less = Flabuless
19. 94 Hips Ahoy
20. 93 Fit Just Got Real
21. 81 Lose Some, Win $ome

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Week 4: 02/01-02/07/2017

Largest percent lost by a female to date = 9.39% 
Largest percent lost by a male to date = 10.71%

Place / Points / Team Name
1.  291 For the Health of It
2.  230 Waist Management
3.  217 Extreme Six Pack
4.  179 Downsizing
5.  171 8 Too Much
6.  160 Gut Busters
7.  160 Tift's Ton
8.  156 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
9.  143 Fork in the Road
10. 119 Chunky Monkeys
11. 115 Cellulight Assassins
12. 115 Mission Possible
13. 111 Lipid Lovers
14. 104 Make Bodies Great Again
15. 98 Team Body Blast
16. 90 Fifty Less = Flabuless
17. 88 Hips Ahoy
18. 88 Thin It to Win It
19. 83 Fit Just Got Real
20. 82 Suck It Up, Buttercup
21. 74 Lose Some, Win $ome

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Week 3: 01/25-01/31/2017

3.19% lost overall 

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 253 For the Health of It
2. 180 Waist Management
3. 179 Extreme Six Pack
4. 152 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
5. 140 8 Too Much
6. 135 Downsizing
7. 124 Fork in the Road
8. 122 Tift's Ton
9. 111 Chunky Monkeys
10. 110 Gut Busters
11. 106 Cellulight Assassins
12. 103 Make Bodies Great Again
13. 96 Mission Possible
14. 93 Lipid Lovers
15. 90 Team Body Blast
16. 81 Fifty Less = Flabuless
17. 81 Hips Ahoy
18. 75 Suck It Up, Buttercup
19. 66 Fit Just Got Real
20. 65 Lose Some, Win $ome
21. 64 Thin It to Win It

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Week 2: 01/18-01/24/2017

611.5 pounds lost to date

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 210 For the Health of It
2. 144 Waist Management
3. 136 Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
4. 126 Extreme Six Pack
5. 104 8 Too Much
​6.  99  Make Bodies Great Again
7.  93  Fork in the Road
8.  90  Downsizing
9.  86  Chunky Monkeys
10. 74 Lipid Lovers
11. 74 Cellulight Assassins
12. 72 Tift's Ton
13. 72 Gut Busters
14. 68 Lose Some, Win $ome
15. 66 Fifty Less = Flabuless
16. 62 Mission Possible 
17. 61 Hips Ahoy
18. 60  Fit Just Got Real
19. 58 Suck It Up, Buttercup
20. 56  Team Body Blast
21. 46  Thin It to Win It

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Week 1: 01/09-01/17/2017

106 contestants
21 teams

Place / Points / Team Name
1. 160 For the Health of It
2.  95  Wasting Away in Tifton-ville 
3.  72  Waist Management
4.  63  8 Too Much
5.  61  Extreme Six Pack
​6.  60  Fork in the Road
7.  57  Make Bodies Great Again
8.  53  Downsizing
9.  51  Chunky Monkeys
10. 50  Fifty Less = Flabuless
11. 49  Tift's Ton
12. 46  Lipid Lovers
13. 45  Fit Just Got Real
14. 41  Team Body Blast
15. 38  Cellulight Assassins
16. 36  Lose Some, Win $ome
17. 34  Mission Possible
18. 34  Suck It Up, Buttercup
19. 31  Hips Ahoy
20. 28  Gut Busters
21. 23  Thin It to Win It

Yes there is a huge difference in points, but it's only Week 1...  
10-Week Competition

Points system with the majority of points 
being awarded for percentage of weight lost

Each contestant receives a t-shirt 
& a limited gym membership!

Benefits Relay for Life of Tift County

See Contests, Rules, and FAQ links above 
for more information

Sweetheart Run 02/25!
Top 10 Females
1. Shauna
2. Amy
3. Tami
4. Letitia
5. Diane W
6. Carla
7. Linda E
8. Bridgette
9. Karen W
10. Monica

Top 10 Males
1. Brady
2. Mikey
3. Paul
4. John Michael
5. Reggie
6. Bill
7. Mark
8. Charles
9. Ashley V
10. Bert

Most pounds lost by a male = 52.5 lbs

Most pounds lost by a female = 34.0 lbs